When we were faced with the COVID19 pandemic, it affected all of us. Some of us lost our jobs, or had hours reduced at work, some of us were on the front-line saving people while others were checking on neighbours and loved ones by any means possible. One thing we all lost was a lot of our freedom by being isolated to our homes on stage 4 restrictions.

The impact of this loss of freedom was different for all of us but there is no denying that there were mental and physical changes for just about everyone.

For Deezi Active founder, Dani, there were some undeniable positives. Throughout isolation, she has had her by children by her side, experiencing new things like cooking with a 3-year-old (tough gig right?!) and practising exercises from digital platforms. The children have even been around our virtual offices helping to pick Deezi colours for our new collection and ordering our coffees.

But in the downtimes, Dani and the team have relished in the opportunity to reflect on what is important.

One thing stood out, and that was exercise. Exercise has such a positive impact on our mindsets and our physical health, all research shows us this. And with exercise comes activewear so we thought, how can we help in this situation? We have the best activewear (all our customers say so) and we want people to be happier and motivated, so what better time to give back than now!

We searched high and low across all national charities who were not only open but were in a position to discuss our donation idea.

After many phone meetings with the Salvation Army, we arranged to drop off over 220 pairs of activewear. They were appreciative and understood the reasons why we wanted to help at this time and were completely on board with our mission. They agreed to allocate our products for donation as well as sale to raise more money for the community during this tough time.

It is not about the recognition for us, it is that as an Australian small business we could do something to help so we did. Call it Aussie spirit, call it digging deep, whatever you like but at the end of the day it is about being decent humans.

Our hope from this is to see a heap of Aussie women who are giving it a go at home, in whatever exercise they like, feeling a lot happier, healthier and looking mighty fine while they exercising in Deezi Active.

We love to give back and this will be something we will continue to do each year because it feels good and illustrates our mission of supporting each other to shape your fit!

Talk Soon


Dani and the team
